Whoever takes a path in search of knowledge then God will show him one way from the roads to heaven. Indeed angels put their wings as a form of homage to the claimant of knowledge.
Verily, all that is in the heavens and on earth ask forgiveness for one who is knowledgeable unto the fish that is in the water.
Truly the virtue of the knowledgeable as compared to the worshipers as the virtue of the full moon against all the stars.
And indeed the scholars' are the heirs of the Prophets, and in fact they do not inherit dinars or dirhams, but inherit science. Whoever takes part in science then really he has taken a valuable part.
" Everything is part of the virtue of studying, because to study science is not really a light matter.
We can feel how much fun it is to laugh and laugh instead of reading articles and writings that are filled with knowledge and knowledge.
How exciting to meet and culinary tour than to gather in majelis2 science.
Demanding knowledge is something heavy, because behind the effort to study there is an ego that must be placed first to accept and review new things, behind the will to read there is a self-esteem that must be put first as a form of willingness to be advised or criticized, and reversed willingness to understand there is self-disclosure and willingness to accept new understandings as well, not to mention he has to give up his time, his wealth and also other pleasant activities as a form of sacrifice. Let us measure ourselves, how can we stand silence to read and contemplate in solitude ..? How long time we use to joke laughter without a meaningful load.
"O ye who believe, when it is said to you, give space in the assemblies, then lay it down. Undoubtedly God Almighty. will give you space. When it says, stand up, then stand. Undoubtedly God Almighty. will lift the (degree) of those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge of several degrees. Allah SWT. What do you study? "(Sura al-Mujadalah / 58: 11)
Degrees in Islam is a ladder of kemulyaan which has many steps. A ladder can get a person up to a higher level of maturity, but it can also get a person down to a lower level. We have been accustomed to using and identifying the word degrees in social strata as in the fabric of hyduism, or in the monarchical system of government where there are kings, nobles and commoners. And jk in modern life the word is referring to the economic level, the status of rank of office and descent.
This is very different from what is described in Islam. In God's view, the degree offered is so much better that it will not even be measurable in quantity with our minds today, since the degree of degree a slave obtains will be converted to the degree of heaven which has many levels, all of which are described in hadith which explains the heavenly levels that will be for the servants of the believing servants of God, they will possess them according to the degree of degree obtained.
The ulema 'are the heirs of the Prophets, and in fact they do not inherit dinars or dirhams, therefore Let us equally take the inheritance of the prophets and race to present the best in our lifetime.
Wallahua'lam bishawab.
By, Abi Ilham Izza
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