
Showing posts from April, 2018


And indeed We will exhort you, with a little fear, famine, lack of wealth, soul and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who are patient. "(Surah Al-Baqara 155) The purpose of all the trials and trials is that we are not excessive in loving the world, because the world is not our place who sesunggungnya. The world is just a place to test the quality of each of us, the world just to filter out who is worthy of occupying heaven and removing human waste to be thrown to hell. We realize that everyone always wants and expects happiness in every aspect of his life. And the average of us often assume that journey to happiness is a long process, winding and tiring. We must go through steep and climbing paths, we must always think and always be careful in every step we decide, all in order to get to a point whose name is happiness. But actually there is a need to reflect again, is there happiness to live in this world ...? If happiness exists, then where is it and how to achieve it ..? O...


Dilema adalah istilah umum yang merujuk kepada suatu kondisi yang menyulitkan, yaitu munculnya sebuah masalah yang menawarkan dua kemungkinan, di mana keduanya sama-sama tidak enak untuk diterima. Dalam pengertian lain, dilema juga dapat dimaknai sebagai situasi sulit yang mengharuskan seseorang menentukan pilihan antara dua kemungkinan yang sama-sama tidak menyenangkan, tidak menguntungkan, dan situasi yang sulit serta membingungkan. Dilema dapat terjadi dalam semua aspek kehidupan kita, dia bisa hadir dalam keluarga, dalam persahabatan, dalam profesi dan pekerjaan maupun dalam urusan asmara. Semuanya menyebabkan seseorang sulit untuk mengambil sikap dan keputusan dalam memilih mana yang akan dia jalani. Hampir setiap orang pernah mengalami dan merasakan apa yang namanya "Dilema". Ada Pegawai yg dihadapkan pada pilihan antara bertahan dlm kejenuhan dan tekanan kerja yg semakin bertambah, atau melangkah berwiraswasta tetapi usia yg sdh menginjak parobaya.. Ada yang dihadapkan...

Do It Yourself

Many people have read books, articles of religious and motivational articles, memimta suggestions and inputs to friends and relatives, participate in various self-development programs, adept in a combination of keen critics and planners yg yg masterful. He collects whatever the name of advice and motivation. But unfortunately we often forget that the problem is not on whether we know it or not, we understand about the problem or not, motivated or not ... but on whether we move to act or not ..! Not that thought, knowledge, understanding and suggestions or inputs are useless, but generally most thinkers are usually less acting and weak in real action, which at the end will only get boredom and fatigue in the mind and heart. We all agree that each of us must have a problem in this life .. Finding out the main aspects of the problem and finding the missing parts of our lives is important, but acting immediately to start with even the smallest action is the most important thing , because i...


A Wu Royal Military Philosopher and Generals, in ancient China once said, "The 1000 Li journey always begins with one first step" In any case, Difficulties and failures often occur in the first step, and that is fair, because the first step is the first and most severe step and the first step of learning on everything. Look at the baby who started trying to walk with weak energy and shaky balance .. Look at the car that started walking dg first gear sluggish and requires great power .. Look at the birds falling on the flutter of the first wing ... Look at the hesitant, giddy and thumping youth when deciding to start the ladder ... Look at entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who are always hesitant and a lot of consideration when starting a business wheel. And notice the people who are stuck in trouble, just spinning around in the same place, confused in taking the first step to get out of trouble ... But if we meditate, the first step is actually an ordinary step, but it becomes ...